Cybersecurity Warning: Businesses and Governments in the Sights of Cybercriminals

Cybersecurity Warning: Businesses and Governments in the Sights of Cybercriminals

In a recent report, cybersecurity experts have raised an alarm about the increasing threat faced by both companies and public administrations. These organizations are prime targets for cybercriminals who seek to exploit vulnerabilities and cause harm. Here are the key aspects:

  1. Revealed Vulnerability

    Recent attacks on the Torre Pacheco City Council have highlighted the vulnerability of certain agencies and companies. Cybercriminals employ various tactics, including credential stuffing, content scraping, click fraud, and ransomware.

  2. Alarming Figures

    The National Institute of Cybersecurity (Incibe) handled over 57,000 incidents of this nature in companies during 2022. It's essential to note that many companies do not publicly report these incidents, so the actual figure could be even higher.

  3. Significant Consequences

    Cyberattacks can disrupt website functionality, resulting in revenue loss. Additionally, they inflict damage on the reputation and trust of affected organizations.

  4. Protective Measures

    • Authentication Multifactor: Implement it using mobile devices and biometric data.
    • Strong Passwords: Use robust passwords, change them regularly, and employ crypto challenge mechanisms.
    • Secure Storage: Avoid storing data on proprietary servers and opt for data centers with cybersecurity experts.

In summary, cybersecurity must be a priority for all organizations. Prevention, early detection, and effective response are essential to safeguard against cybercriminal threats.